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I am excited to announce my next personal project "The Music Portrait Project".

We need some awesome local, national and international acts to pose for some snaps, if you know someone, you manage someone or you are that someone drop us an email!

“The music portrait project” is a personal project Lucinda is undertaking in conjunction with her existing live music photography work. The project aims to explore the individual identity of people within the music industry, including Artists, crew, and people working within the industry. The Music Portrait Project was a concept developed late 2015, with a passion for music and a background in portraiture Lucinda has decided to combine both skills into one body of work. Artists in particular sometimes have a presence or persona taken on stage with them, and Lucinda now has a grasp on how to capture that emotion on stage, but this project is aimed to bring out the personal side of these artists and people within the industry. The project will take place at Gigs, festivals, or organized portrait shoots, in conjunction with shooting the live component of these shows, Lucinda will endeavor to pre organized a quick 5 – 10 portrait session with the artists.

The images will all be captured the same, head and shoulders portrait, all converted to a high contrast black and white, artists however are encouraged to show their personality within the shoot as this will be what makes the collection of work interesting.

Bands will be photographed as individuals then as a group.

Everyone that dontates their time to this project will receive digital copies of the portraits to use online.

The final images will be compiled into a book and an exhibition dedicated to the series.

#2015 #Blog #PersonalProject #Portraits #MusicPhotography #MelbourneMusicPhotographer #LucindaGoodwinPhotography #MusicPhotographer #GeelongMusicPhotographer #GeelongMusicPhotography #GigPhotographer #GigPhotography #GigPhotographyMelbourne #GigPhotographerMelbourne #GigPhotographerGeelong #GigPhotographyGeelong #EventPhotographer #EventPhotography #EventPhotographyMelbourne #EventPhotographerMelbourne #EventPhotographerGeelong #EventPhotographyGeelong #RockRollPhotographer #RockRollPhotography #RockRollPhotographyMelbourne #RockRollPhotographerMelbourne #RockRollPhotographerGeelong #RockRollPhotographyGeelong #MusicPhotographerGeelong #MusicPhotographerMelbourne #MelbourneMusicPhotography #AustralianMusicPhotographer #livemusicphotographermelbourne #melbournemusicphotographer #livemusicphotographeraustr

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